Indecline is an American art collective started by Ryen McPherson and Daniel Tanner in 2001. INDECLINE is an Activist Art Collective founded in 2001. It is comprised of graffiti writers, filmmakers, photographers and full-time rebels and activists. INDECLINE focuses on social, ecological and economical injustices carried out by American and International governments, corporations and law enforcement agencies. You can read more about them and their projects on their website: ThisIsIndecline.com. Daniel Tanner was also known as the graffiti bombing artist Aware. His pieces have been seen all over the country. He has placed some art near Las Vegas that I have been to visit over the years: The giant PBR can & Goldome Mill. He is also responsible for the Wheel of Misfortune but I have not personally been to that location yet.Claim Your Destiny
Aware! Drinking tin flavored piss-water is as American as small-pox covered blankets, shooting unarmed black men, diplomacy by drone, date raping drunk soroity girls with impunity, or over consumptions of everything always."Claim Your Destiny" is a giant piece of art installed in the Mojave Desert on an old water tanker. I think that is what you would call it, I'm not quite sure of the proper name. I first visited this location in the spring of 2017, but Aware installed the art in the summer of 2015 (click here to view the video of the installation process). To find this art, follow Las Vegas Boulevard north, past the 93. It'll eventually be up on the road on your right. You do have to cross over some train tracks to get to it.

Goldome Mill
Goldome is a former gold ore processing mill located in the Mojave National Preserve. The mill was closed in 1994 and classified as a "superfund site" by the Environmental Protection Agency due to the hazardous substances left behind. Some of the substances include: deadly amounts of cyanide and contaminated heavy metals and hydroxide, all of which cause irreparable damage to the ecosystem. This project is meant to protest man's quest for wealth at the expense of our earth and her natural resources. It took 8 people over the course of 6 days. You can watch the video of the installation by clicking on this link.I visited this location for Valentines Day 2021. Super romantic, right? We had to drive down a really bad road in preserve to get here. We weren't alone when we arrived, either. Another couple pulled up right behind us to explore and look around. But the scary part was... there's another building off to the side of this. Someone was in there working on loud machinery. In the middle of the Mojave preserve! I have no idea who it was, but it was a little scary. I didn't get to explore inside of the main building. It was very windy and I was a little scared that the structure wasn't secure due to the laser cuttings.

Videos of Indecline's Protests