Fi's seen a lot of weird stuff on the road with her family! Here are some of her favorite weird stories.
PS: These stories are fictional and were created as episodes of a paranormal TV show back at the end of the 90s. All credit belongs to their writers at Disney.
Black Hole
One of the coolest things about living at the turn of the millenium is watching our science fiction stories come true. (It's also one of the scariest things, when you think about books like "Clockwork Orange," but I won't go into that!) Take "Star Trek," for example. We're not exactly vacationing on other planets yet, but our cell phones look (and work) suspiciously like Captain Kirk's communicator. And when the series was first made, you couldn't stick your food in a box and zap it to heat it up like they did on TV -- but then microwave ovens came along! Let me say, when Jack gets on my nerves, I sure wish I had a phaser set to "stun" -- and now they exist too. Hmmm ... something for my Christmas list.
So, anyhow, last night when I was falling asleep I thought: what's the biggest thing, besides spaceships, that we HAVEN'T invented yet? Think about it -- Philip K. Dick, Bradbury, Vonnegut, they're all phat with it. And a cool contemporary writer, Douglas Adams, is all over it in "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency." Give up? It's time travel. "TIme and Again"! H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine"!
And, the thing is, time really is the point where science and the supernatural meet. These stories might be fiction -- but maybe not for long. If you REALLY want to blow your mind with some time-bending theories, you don't need fiction. Just ask the astrophysicists. It all started with Einstein's theory of relativity, when they figured out that if someone were to take a short trip into space and back, traveling at the speed of light, when they got back they'd be almost the same age as when they left -- but everyone else would be lots older. Did you know that scientists now have conclusive proof that the gravity inside black holes is so strong that it actually alters the fabric of space and time? HOW CAN ANYTHING ALTER TIME?
The more we learn about the universe around us, the more we might be able to figure out strange phenomena in our own world -- like the Bermuda Triangle, where ships and planes and all sorts of things have disappeared without a trace. And maybe our great-great grandkids will be stopping in to the 1990s to visit us any day. I hope mine take me home with them!

Credit to Imagingings for the css & Credit to Disney Channel for the So Weird stories.